Saturday 13 August 2011


Hey! The very first thing we're selling-- FIMO CANES.
They are great for scrapbooking, but mostly used for nail designs as shown below. They can also be used to decorate any random thing you want, just for collecting, or even cutting! (: Each 1/2 cane can cut from 25-50 pieces. (:
*We know that it is quite difficult to cut using penknifes, so we are currently enquiring & considering getting cutters. What do YOU say?
*(Picture credited to

Fimo canes are sold at 1/2 cane (around 2 . 5cm) each for just 30 cents! (:
If you buy more, here are the prices:
1 for 30 cents
5 for $1
10 for $1.60 
If you do find any blogshop selling at a lower price, do email us the link! (:

Also, you can choose your designs according to the following category:

-Heart shapes
-Flowers (Popular!)
-THE MIX (All sorts! (:

Feel free to email us any comments, questions or orders! (:

Friday 5 August 2011


Hey! Welcome to our newly opened blogshop, LIVE.LOVEAT. It's means Live, Love, & Eat. :D The main theme of our blogshop is actually about EATING, so look forward, and enjoy! XD There will also be some other random things not related to food.
Anyway, we hope you enjoy shopping, & feel free to drop us an email if you want to order anything @
Thanks for the support! :D